Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mayflower Balloon Boats

This post doesn't have much to do with what we are learning right now in Science, but it was a fun way to represent the pilgrims' voyage to the new world for Thanksgiving! To start with, I had the students save their milk cartons one day after lunch. Then we washed them out, cut them in half, and punched a big hole in the back like this:

 I then gave each student a balloon, as you can see. Then I rolled out the "Atlantic Ocean". :) On the right is England and Spain, and on the left is the New World.

Then we got set up to sail across the Atlantic. Two or three students at a time blew up their balloons inside the balloon boat and placed their boat in England (or close to it).

Next, they let go of the balloon and watched their "Mayflowers" sail across the Atlantic Ocean! Some of the boats didn't make it, but some were very successful! Here is a video: (I hope it works!)
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! One thing I am for sure thankful for is these precious kiddos! :) It is such a blessing to get to spend time with these children every day.