Monday, November 4, 2013

Volume Lab

My students are still learning about mass, volume, and density. Today, we completed a volume lab.

Volume is the amount of space something takes up.
The students were instructed to walk around the classroom and find objects that could be measured by length, width, and height. That was the hard part--finding objects that were either perfect cubes or rectangular prisms! Some of them decided to put their rulers together to measure large objects, like filings cabinets and a Smartboard. :) Way to synergize, kiddos!

Here are some pictures of my students measuring the length, width, and height of objects around my classroom.
Afterwards, we went back to our desks and found the volume using the volume formula:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

This was a great lab to assess their understanding of VOLUME, but it was also great because they got to get out of their desks for awhile! That's always a plus. :)

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