Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Popcorn Lab

We have been discussing Forms of Energy the past few weeks. The students learned about the 3 different types of heat transfers: radiation, conduction, and convection.

Radiation: the transfer of heat using electromagnetic waves
Conduction: the transfer of heat through objects in contact
Convection: the transfer of heat through a moving liquid or gas

To demonstrate this, we did a lab with popcorn. First, we popped popcorn using radiation.

Pretty simple!

Next, we popped popcorn using conduction, and this one was pretty cool. Most of the students had never seen this done before:
It took FOREVER to pop, but when it did, it was pretty cool!
Then, my intention was to use a fellow teacher's air popper to demonstrate convection, but we weren't able to use it, so I just discussed how the process worked instead. :( Bummer!
The best part was that one class (the class with the highest average on the last test) got to eat their popcorn! :) That class especially had a blast during the popcorn lab.

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